Amidst all the ridiculous laundry drama, I managed to get some writing done yesterday. I went through all of my notes, my many pages of scribbles, notated napkins and sticky pads. They are now organized in a leather binder and I have officially begun my journey.
While trying to get a true feel for my main character I decided that the page of notes and the character description sheet just weren’t enough. She felt incomplete, I just couldn’t get inside her skin, her mind enough. I sat down an wrote a three page character biography for her, ending just when the novel should begin. I understand her more now and her personality and motivations are a bit clearer to me.
Maybe next week I can actually make myself get started. I need to decide how to motivate myself, how many words per day my goal should be, and how to FOCUS. I keep reading that your first draft, especically of your first attempt, is usually utter and complete crap. I need to accept that I will not be writing Shakespeare, I am not a literary genius. I am just an out of practice wanna-be writer with an idea who was told that she had some talent once upon a time. I just need to get it all out on paper (or screen as it is now) and go from there. Edits and rewrites are not worries now, STOP MAKING EXCUSES AND JUST DO IT!
Maybe starting Tuesday…
Hello! Thanks for stopping at my blog. I can completely relate to feeling like I am always on procrastination mode. Good luck with your ms!