For one freedom-filled night each month the Hubby and I are allowed to pretend like we are still young, free, and somewhat intelligent.
I escape my role of a simple suburban stay-at-home mom and hit our local English pub for a night of pints, adult conversation and fiercely competitive pub trivia. I can dress in something besides playground clothes. I don’t have to worry about watching my mouth (in fact, no one swears like a buzzed Englishman–or woman). And there are absolutely no discussions about potty training or preschools. Heaven.

The Guinness and Cider start flowing and we all start to forget about our insane jobs and crazy lives. The inane sounds of Sponge Bob drift out of my subconscious, replaced by classic English Pop and Rock. And since it is an English Pub, this is not a night for girly little light beers or wussy wine (which, if you ask for, you have a choice of red, white, or pink). Jager Bombs, perhaps…

The many teams, consisting of up to seven smarty-pants, huddle around their pub tables, scribbling down answers to questions from all ends of the trivia spectrum. Each answer is then debated in sometimes fervent yet hushed tones before we finally settle on the final answer.
The competition is fierce, as there is usually a decent pot going out to the winning team–at least enough to cover the bar tab. Many teams have been joining us at the Pub for nearly a decade. There are teams we respect and don’t mind if they pull out a win over us and other teams we abhor (due to their cheating and overall poor sportsmanship) and must beat at all costs.
Below are the question for August’s Quiz (except for question 50, which was just too long for me to scribble down after a couple of ciders). It is one of our most difficult quizzes to date. And FYI: there are no books, internet, or other study aids allowed.
How well do you think you can do?
Answers are listed at the end–no peeking!

1. Which is the rarest blood type: A, B, or AB?
2. What is the more common name for the Emperor Charles I?
3. At which two prisons did Johnny Cash perform live in concert?
4. What mountain range lies between France and Spain?
5. How may eyes are there in a standard deck of 52 cards?
6. Henry Alfred Kissinger was the first naturalized citizen to become Secretary of State. Where was he born?
7. What is the name of the British air craft carrier which docked this month at Port Canaveral?
8. Which scientific instrument is used to measure atmospheric pressure?
9. Complaints about this caused many broadcasters to filter the sound coverage of the 2010 World Cup.
10. Which team won the 2010 Six Nation Rugby Championship?
11. Name the skateboarding star nicknamed “The Birdman.”
12. In which year was the last execution at the Tower of London: 1901, 1920, 1941, or 1950?
13. Which rock band has been playing together for the most number of years?
14. What is the common name for the ailment tinea pedis?
15. Which person made headlines by appearing at Wimbledon for the first time since 1977?
16. Wimbledon also made headlines this year with one of the longest tennis matches played. Who was the match between and how long did the match last?
17. What is the formula of the Pythagorean Theorem?
18. Name the General fired by the Obama administration after he made disparaging remarks during a Rolling Stone interview.
19. Who is the youngest: Renee Zellweger, Jude Law, Jack Black, or Adam Sandler?
20. How many squares are on a chess board?
21. Who dropped two balls from the Leaning Tower of Pisa to prove a point: Newton, Galileo, Einstein, or Coppernecuis?
22. Which invention by Benjamin Holt improved farm life in 1900?

23. In June of 2010, Utah executed a prisoner by what controversial method?
24. What was the name of Madonna’s first album?
25. How many laps of 200 did Dale Earnheardt finish during his final NASCAR race, the 2001 Daytona 500?
26. Name the first husband and wife to win Best Male/Female Singer at the CMAs the same year.
27. Tourism increased 46% in this city after the release of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.
28.Name the crooner also known as “Dr. Love” and “The Prince of Pillow Talk.”
29. What car maker cashed in on the retro craze by reintroducing the Cooper Mini in 2001.
30. At the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, how often is the Guard changed and how many steps does he take in his walk across the tomb?
31. How many females have been commissioned to fly the presidential helicopter?
32. Who was the Orlando Magic’s 1st round draft pick?
33. What Cold War Eastern European alliance was an equivalent of NATO?
34. What Bronze Age sculptor is famous for his piece The Kiss?
35. Who is the only Hollywooder besides Robin Williams and Tom Hanks to star in 7 films during the 1990’s grossing over 100 million?
36. What is the name of a group of lions?
37. What rock band includes members Frances Rossi and Rick Partiff and songs include Rockin’ All Over the World and Whatever You Want?
38. Put the movie studios in order from oldest to newest: Warner Brothers, Universal, MGM.
39. Which planet is the brightest object in the sky after the sun and the moon?
40. What American author’s works included The Raven and The Tell Tale Heart?
41. The Sami People are indigenous to which continent: Europe, Africa, South America?
42. Name the character who made his debut in the novel Red Dragon.
43. This designer profited by claiming that a woman looks beautiful wearing her boyfriend’s t-shirt and underwear.
44. This historic song was recorded right after the 1985 American Music Awards.
45. What does PDF mean?
46. This company appeared in 1990 as the first real competitor of Nintendo.
47. Name the American teen who had the Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act named after him.
48. What golfer won the British Open in both 2007 and 2008?
49. Which European automaker introduced the first side air bags in 1998?
1. AB
2. Charlemagne
3. Folsom and San Quentin
4. Pyrenees
5. 42
6. Germany
7. HMS Ark Royal
8. barometer
9. Vuvuzela
10. France
11. Tony Hawk
12. 1941
13. The Rolling Stones
14. Athlete’s Foot
15. Queen Elizabeth II
16. John Isner and Nicolas Mahut, 11 hours
a^2 + b^2 = c^2
18. General Stanley McChrystal
19. Jude Law
20. 64
21. Galileo
22. tractor
23. firing squad
24. Madonna
25. 199

26. Faith Hill and Tim McGraw
27. Savannah
28. Barry White
29. BMW
30. every 30 minutes, 21 steps
31. 1
32. Daniel Orton
33. The Warsaw Pact
34. Rodin
35. Julia Roberts
36. a pride
37. Status Quo
38. Universal, Warnner Bros., MGM
39. Venus
40. Edgar Allen Poe
41. Europe
42. Hannibal Lecter
43. Calvin Klein
44. We Are the World
45. portable document format
46. Sega
47. Ryan White
48. Padraig Harrington
49. Volvo
So, how did you do?