Give thanks.
A simple sentiment so many of us forget to practice now that Thanksgiving has become lost in the shuffle of modern life.
The holiday was once a time for communities to unite, sharing tales of strength, hope, and gratitude among the generations while humbly reflecting upon the abundance in their lives.
For many of us, Thanksgiving had become a day of manic shopping, football, and family drama.
How about we put a little “thanks” back in Thanksgiving?

The table had been covered in colorful fall leaves. This was after all my leaves and most of the display books had been taken. (Nice back-lighting and fluorescent lighting, right?)
I’d found these Thankful Trees via Better Homes and Gardens a few years back.
It would be easy enough to set up our own library Thankful Tree, right?
If patrons took part, it could be considered a passive program, bringing the community together and sharing in the reason for the oft neglected season. (And we could gauge which resources our patrons valued. Win-win, right?)
Using an old McCoy jug, a few branches snipped from my yard, and colored printer paper leaves, I set up a Grateful Tree on the library’s main display table last year. I didn’t have high hopes. Even fellow staffers rolled their eyes when I asked them to share the love on their own leaves.
And then something beautiful happened.
One leaf…
led to another…
and another…
And within days the bare branches displayed a bounty
of thanks and gratitude that made our hearts swell.
This library display/passive program was a win for all. It would also work in a classroom
or as a centerpiece for a holiday gathering.
We all need to express the gratitude in our hearts.
Let your patrons, students, or family “leaf” a note to express what really matters in their lives.