I have always made fun of blogs. I never could understand why certain people thought anyone else would want to read the insignificant thoughts and dreary running commentaries of their boring lives. I don’t have a myspace page. I’ve never been on facebook. Can’t even find anyone’s page when I have tried to look one up. I suppose it’s time for me to realize that it’s not just for teens anymore…
I have been journaling off and on since I received my first pink diary about age 8. You know, the cute little one with the key you can hide under your pillow so your mom can’t read all of your insightful and very private 8 year old hopes, hates, dreams, and discoveries. I should go back and read some of those old journals. I would love to be reminded of such a simple time, when you had a hopeless crush on the boy two desks down (but would never dream of talking to him), of your world shattering when your BFF went roller skating with Jenny and didn’t invite you, of how you hated your mom because she wouldn’t let you wear jeans to school, instead making you wear a dress so you would “at least look like a lady”.
Maybe life really isn’t so different now. You may have a wonderful husband, yet still wonder if you are really supposed to spend your ENTIRE life with only one man. Your world can still easily be shattered when you feel ignored or forgotten by your friends. And you are probably still self-conscious about how those jeans look on you… (Is it better to look a little slutty or too matronly? I think I will error on the side of slutty, just for a little fun…just no muffin-top, please…)
My biggest reason for starting a blog is that I feel as if I am the only person out there who thinks the way I do. That’s NOT the way I want it. I desperately want to find someone out there who can validate my thoughts, my goals (or lack of them), my sanity. I haven’t been able to find anyone in “real life.” I always am the odd duck out. With today’s society, maybe that’s not such a bad thing….
And I need to get my butt in gear and start writing again…and so it begins…Q38RYNY3R3T6