Excuses and time-killers

Just call me a slacker. I’ve been caught up in the fifty million other things that eat away at my time, patience, and mind instead of writing. And now I am riddled with guilt and feeling as if I should be working the drive through at Micky-D’s to earn my keep since I have not been clicking away at the keyboard all the livelong day.

But I’ve been busy…
Really, I have…

I made a homemade kick ass Jedi costume. From scratch. With a sewing machine. It rocked. My kiddo LOVED it was a big hit when trick-or-treating. All the “Look! There goes a Jedi!” comments made the countless hours, needle pricks, machine maladies, and wiggly child-model snaps worth it.

I joined a gym. I have NEVER belonged to a gym in my life. I suck at every sport known to man (or woman), have no endurance, can’t run, and lack the coordination necessary to do even the simplest exercise routine. But sitting in front of my computer started melding my derriere into a fuller shape than my pants allow, so I reluctantly gave in when my friend convinced me to give it a try with her. And I discovered I LIKE IT–once the agonizing muscle burn went away. And I got to buy some new gym clothes–anything for motivation, right?

I planned and successfully executed Kiddo’s 2 days of birthday celebrations–school cupcakes, mini-golf, homemade cake, kids party, adult party. The Hubby and I actually went to two amazingly intimate rock concerts at the House of Blues. We made five theme park visits, two airport runs, a couple of doctor appointments, and a parent/teacher conference. We fought with incompetent roofers, searched for new home and car insurance, and spent countless hours on the phone with antagonistic health and dental insurance “customer service” associates.

I currently have two bathrooms in various stages of renovation. One has a new vanity and both have new floors (planned) and new toilets (NOT planned). I will continue to spend hours scouring stores and searching online for the perfect shower curtain and artwork. Instead of writing. Because it is important, right? And now I can feel the grout-less tub surround calling me, begging to be finished. And the baseboards. And the blank walls….

I read some amazing books, some ridiculously long books, and a few crummy ones as well. I spent far too much time nosing around old acquaintance’s current lives on facebook. I was sick.

And now the holidays are approaching, the pressure is starting to build, and I just don’t want to deal with it.

I have a plethora of excuses and no real explanations. It’s time to get cracking again.

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