22 Things I HAVE Done { + Link-up}

*Last week so many of  us came up with our list of things we have not done. Fun, but slightly depressing. This week we need to celebrate all the cool things we HAVE done. Have your own list? Link up below. Inquiring minds want to know.*

Tried to catch a rattlesnake.

Wandered through flooded Venetian piazzas with a champagne bottle in hand.

Found a baby sea turtle on the beach.

Zip-lined (with my 5-year-old) through a rainforest.

White water rafted down the river where Deliverance was filmed (I heard no banjos).

Pierced more women’s, men’s and babies’ ears than I care to remember.

Sold wedding gowns to Bridezillas.

Watched Cinderella smoke a cigarette in the tunnels below Disney.

Watched a volcano erupt as the sun rose.

Been trapped in a herd of buffalo.

Ridden Space Mountain twenty times in a day without getting nauseous.

Wept tears of joy as my newborn was placed in my arms.

Been bumped by a shark while boogie boarding in the “Shark Capital of the World.”
Savored the applause onstage during the curtain call after a performance.

Stood in awe beneath the Sistine Chapel.

Lived with 18 different roommates from 5 foreign countries (not all at once).

Been licked by a giraffe.

Sang and danced barefoot in the rain (with a few thousand other DMB fans).

Dug a grave in my yard.

Sat with a friend (and fed them booze) while they got a homemade tatoo.

Written 79,476 80,568 words of my shitty first draft  (still not done though).

Savored a $100+ bottle of wine (crossed off my “things I haven’t done list” this weekend — whoohoo!)

Now it’s YOUR turn. Have you scored the winning soccer goal? Bungee jumped? Woke up with a tatoo you don’t remember? Won a spelling bee? We want to know what makes YOU special. 

Looks like we can link up with Mama Kat on Thursday too!


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