Happy Monday to you. Did you try any recipes you found on Pinterest over the weekend? How about any crafts for the kids, gifts, fashion statements, home improvement projects… there’s just SO much stuff to try!
If you tried something new, did it work? Was the recipe a keeper or did you have to order take-out instead? Did everyone ask you how you made such a spectacular gift or did you bury deep it in the trash and run to the store?
Inquiring minds want to know.
We all spend so much time pinning these brilliant ideas, but we all wonder does it really work?
Tell us. Link up below. Share your hits and misses, your 4-star ratings and your flops. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.
Everyone has been pinning teacher gifts in a desperate attempt to do something different, less expensive than a $50 gift card (which I’m sure any teacher would love but no one can afford), and useful.
I pinned a cute cup filled with single serve dink mixes, originally from Lisa Storm’s blog.
Hmm…I knew Kiddo’s teacher was a huge Yankees fan…I could find a Tervis cup and make this… {If you don’t know Tervis glasses, you totally need to go buy one. Now. They are amazing.}
The original post even had a handy-dandy print out for the straw flags! Perfect!
This end of year teacher gift turned out much better than it looks in the picture, and Kiddo said his teacher loved it.
Total cost: around $15
Now its YOUR turn. Link up your Pinterest hit or miss. Maybe you tried it a few weeks ago and already posted about it. Maybe you have the pictures of your dinner disaster or fabulous cupcakes still sitting on your camera (because we all know we take pictures of everything). Link it up.
I only ask that you:
* Give credit where it’s due. Include links on your post to the original blog post that gave you your inspiration.
* Feel free to include a link to your Pinterst Page. More followers, yeah!
* Would you mind adding the blog badge below to your post so others can join in the fun? {Thanks!}
* Have fun!