Just a quick note to let y’all know I’m guest posting over at FridayFictionFriend BOOK BLOG today.
When one of my beloved critique partners, the lovely Ms. Jill Hannah Anderson, asked me to review a favorite book for her series, I’d just finished reading Diana Gabaldon’s epic OUTLANDER.
That book rocked my world. In addition to being a not-to-be-missed romance/fantasy/historical/adventure, the novel refined my appreciation for roguish kilted heroes. Bring out the tartans!
If you’d like to check out the review, head on over to Friday Fiction Friend. And while you’re there, flip back through previous recommendations by talented writers such as Mary Kubica, Kathryn Craft, Lori Nelson Spielman—all who have impeccable taste!
Add a few book to your TBR list—there’s always room for more ::wink::