The Weekday Weekend Novelist

I have actually been making some headway writing–yeah! The few times I have had chunks of time to write I have been dedicating myself to The Novel instead of blogging, and I had no idea it had been so long since my last post. Oops. I’m trying to run with my inspiration when I have it, and if that makes me an unreliable and lackadaisical blogger, so be it.

I found I had been spending too much time dwelling on the plot and I was a bit unsure how to formulate some of the characters. Not to mention I was terrified of actually testing my dormant writing ability. After reading some glowing recommendations, I picked up a copy of Robert J. Ray’s The Weekend Novelist to help give me some focus. I felt I needed a bit of a blueprint, not necessarily a “formula” for writing a novel, but a little guidance about the order I needed to proceed.

Ray claims to have a specific formula for writing, which if followed, would lead to a completed novel in just 52 weekends. Now, I don’t write much on weekends (hello, family time), and I’m not very good at following any type of formula (which explains those embarrassing math grades). His book did finally get me moving in the right direction.

I made it through week 10 in his structured exercises. I found it was a great help in character work, and I completed my character bio’s, time lines, and description sheets over the last several weeks. I even went so far as to find pictures to be the basis of some of my characters. He, he, he, Facebook comes in very handy sometimes…

I have been wracking my brain over the climax/catharsis scene, the pinnacle of the book. Then I finally realized I don’t have to have EVERYTHING plotted out exactly, I need some freedom to see where my characters may go and grow on their own.

I realized that I can only prepare for and put off the deed for so long. Then I sat down to write.

Some days it’s still research and a few paragraphs or a scene sketch. Two days ago, I spit out 2500 words. Today another 1000. It’s progress. I’m working on it….

And of course, I get this motivation and progress the week before school lets out for the summer. Two entire months rapidly approaching with a hyper 6-year-old who claims he has absolutely nothing to do.

I need a schedule. I need some time to myself. I need to figure out how the Kiddo are not going to kill each other over the loooonnngg summer break…

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