The (In)Significance of Signs

I always say I don’t believe in signs, just as I don’t believe in streaks of bad luck, miracles, or divine intervention.   Yet despite my doubts, I discover strange little omens sneaking up on me, curious coincidences, often startling and even a bit creepy on occasion.

We headed to the beach last Sunday for a day of relaxation and reading, in no way influenced by the fortune which fell out of my Hubby’s cookie earlier in the week (see above).  The day was gorgeous with cloudless blue skies, cool breezes, and plenty of kids scampering along the shore for Kiddo to befriend.  I sat back in my lounge chair to catch some rays and read.

A few pages into my selected reading I started shifting nervously, clenching my teeth, and sweating as if it was the middle of July.

The novel felt a bit too familiar, and I could hear faint echos of my own work in progress  (a.k.a. the novel I have been driving myself slightly crazy over for the last year or so writing).   A wave of panic rushed over me.  But I had never heard of this book until a few months ago…I certainly couldn’t have taken any of the ideas from it…

The protagonist was in a situation similar to mine.  Her children were the same ages.  Her marital situation, her escape to a new life, so many of the emotions she was rolling through were so similar to my main character.

The sea breeze and sunshine could not halt the alarm bells echoing in my head.

My story wasn’t original.  It was trite and tired.  I should just give up now, erase my work with a few simple key strokes and be done with it.

I looked over to where Kiddo was building an enormous sand bunker with a  friend he had picked up on the beach.  The girl, perhaps six or seven, was a spitting image of my heroine at that age–the same coppery long hair, skinny legs, button nose.  My young Eve appeared before me, an apparition of what could be if only I kept going. 

A few minutes later she was joined by her slightly older brother, and yes, he was a dead ringer for my young hero/love interest as a boy.    The book pressed to my chest, I sat staring at the pair imaging them as my characters twenty-five years older and meeting for the first time on the beach as in my story.

A cherubic toddler ran past on a quest to reach the gently rolling waves.  “Come back Evie G. Wait for me!” her harried father laughed as he chased after her.   I felt as if someone had smacked me upside the head with an six-inch-thick dictionary.   The ghosts of writing were coming after me full force, shouting my heroine’s nickname for all to hear.  Honestly, I was getting a bit creeped out.

Maybe it wasn’t time to give up.   There are only so many themes in literature, but each tale of love, hero(ine)’s epic  journey, or fall from grace is told in it’s own way.   I sat back and focused on the differences and discovered the stories were not even nearly the same.  My story is as unique as each freckle on MY Evie’s nose.

 Perhaps there is some significance to those signs after all…

3 thoughts on “The (In)Significance of Signs

  1. MuMuGB

    I think that it is good to take such signs as positive omens. Life is tough enough, let’s interpret them the way it suits us…. Don’t give up and keep us posted!


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