A Year of 1st Grade Edumicaton…

School is OUT for summer.  And no one is happier than my Kiddo.  He is smart, sharp, and houses an entire ant colony in his size seven shorts.  I can now stop threatening to duct tape him to a chair so he can finish his homework and mute the constant lectures about practicing verbal self control.

Kiddo brought home backpacks full of his leftover school supplies, massive amounts of foamy crafts, and his End-of-Year Journal.  Yes, after cupcakes, Skittles, and party games he had to sit down and fill in 20 pages of school year memories.

Yeah, right.  His a hyper-child on a sugar rush.  He filled in those blanks as fast and frantically as his frosting-caked fingers would allow.

The unedited (and yes, it looks uneducated, but he can spell and write normally, I swear!) results:

Let’s hope he doesn’t major in education–lazy teachers of the world unite!
 What kid’s favorite subject ISN’T recess?  Really.  (We know it’s not handwriting or spelling.)

Yes, that’s a boy. Math, science, listening, self control, subtract and add.  A girl’s would have said pretty handwriting, reading, gossip, & Bieber.

Forget about learning to READ this year.  It’s a good day when he doesn’t get checks for those not listening and  practicing verbal self control.  He’s going to make a fabulous husband someday.
Well, if he WAS rich then he COULD buy all the Legos in the world.  Or maybe just Legoland.  
And he’s in love with his teacher.  But he still doesn’t listen to her.  
At least he’s consistent, considering he still doesn’t listen to me.

He doesn’t need to LEARN anything next year, it just needs to go by faster.

Thank you to my dear friend who introduced my boys to country music.  Kiddo has been walking around singing Zac Brown’s Chicken Fried for a year now.  
And the Toes song as well.  He thinks if he’s singing a song he can say “ass.”  Thanks.
He also presented us with his award for “Funniest Boy” in his class.  Yeah, I’m in trouble…

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