The phone chirped again, seeming possessed by a bird I couldn’t exorcise. Each time it went off I experienced the primal urge to duck under shelter, afraid mockingbirds plotted to dive-bomb me with poop. They say that’s good luck, which might explain how such an ordinary girl could end up with my extraordinary life. But every time that chirp-ring sounded I looked to the sky for evidence of its eminent collapse. I thought it had caved in yesterday, the ethereal debris washed away, leaving only a lingering trail of blood and permanent case of the baby blues. I thought wrong.
**This is a snippet of fiction, hooked up with:

1 : of the color blue
2 a : bluish
b : discolored by or as if by bruising
c : bluish gray
3 a : low in spirits : melancholy
b : marked by low spirits : depressing

- [he/she/I] was devastated by […]
- [feeling] was experienced by […]
- [person/thing] was possessed by […]