Costumes for the Ages

When I was a kid, many moons ago, most Halloween costumes were homemade. Our parents dug through closets to pull out their own old clothes to make costumes (I remember many cheerleaders, hobos, varsity football players, and 50’s costumes) or if they were crafty, they sewed, painted, or pieced together something on their own.

My favorite costume:
a hand painted brown paper bag turned into a Rice Krispies box. 

Princesses circa 1979.
I think my tin-foil covered crown and egg carton flowers are way cooler than the
thin, plastic store bought costume on the left.

But I’ll admit: making costumes now is much harder. Most years I just don’t have the time or inclination.

Kiddo’s first Halloween he wore a candy corn covered onsie (he was only weeks old) until his diaper had a blow-out.

Next year he wore a clown costume I found in a bag of hand-me-downs.

I think the fireman was next: the coat a gift from Grandpa (a fire chief himself).  He wanted to be just like like him.

I must admit, the two Peter Pan years have been my favorites so far.  During this phase, the only movie he would watch was the classic Disney version full of Pirates, Lost Boys, and his first crush, Wendy.  I’ll never forget finding him in tears on the living room floor, devastated because even though he really DID believe, he still couldn’t fly.

I was lucky enough to track down this costume at a consignment shop. He still has it, and wants to keep it forever (for his kids — gasp!).

My little boy who doesn’t want to grow up.

That’s just fine with me.

Now he has matured into his Star Wars phase. I spent hours sewing his Jedi costume last year (read all about it here), so yes, that puppy’s getting recycled this year (and maybe next year if he still fits).

But whether the costume is homemade or bought after Halloween off the clearance rack, it’s the thought, and the memories that count. For kids, Halloween may be all about the loot and the parties, but for me, it’s all about capturing a little piece of childhood to live on forever.


I’m linking up with the lovely Nicole at By Word of Mouth Musing’s Howlerific Halloween. Join the fun! (and our bat’s named Staraluna)

Also hooking up with the fabulous ladies of Four Plus and Angel and Sellabitmum for their Boo in the Blogosphere Halloween party.

Come join the fun!

19 thoughts on “Costumes for the Ages

  1. Sara Thompson

    We have an old white lab coat left over from my college Anatomy class. My son has used that coat to be Anakin Skywalker, mad Scientist and a variety of other white coat sort of ideas. I love that with some imagination they really can be anything.

  2. deb duty

    So fun looking back! I love the cereal box costume and that thin mask looks like a costume I wore as a kid a long time ago. I don't think my parents ever thought about taking pics though.
    My recent post a look back

  3. Jessica

    Oh the pictures of your costumes brings back memories. My mom was the same, one year I was an indian princess, she made it out of a pillow case and the costume was amazing. I have zero talents with a needle and thread so have been buying my kids' costumes every year but always feel a twinge of guilt that I don't make them. Love the Peter Pan costume.
    My recent post Boo! In the Blogosphere… Halloween Photo Link Up

  4. Leigh Ann

    Love the homemade costumes! I at least try to piece ours together, because store bought ones just don't seem as special. Love that he loves his Peter Pan one so much.

  5. Galit Breen

    I absolutely love that you gathered pictures of Halloweens past- adorable and creative- love!

    )I'm also not ashamed to admit that I got a 'lil teary eyed at "the little boy who doesn't want to grow up"- oh my heart!)
    My recent post Happy Halloween

  6. Alexa

    That Rice Krispies box is freaking awesome, I love it! Commercialism at it's best, but I still love the outfit!! And I remember those crazy plastic masks, I always seemed to snap myself in the face with the elastic band that held them on your head.


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