Memories Captured

I once dreamed of roaming the world, photographing awe-inspiring natural wonders for National Geographic or charismatic celebrities as the next Annie Leiboviz.

In time, I discovered I fare better shooting house cats and husbands.{With a camera, people, not a gun.}

I still love taking pictures anyway.

My parents bought me my first camera when I was somewhere around age eight or nine. With that Kodak Disc, which looked more like a deck of cards than a camera,  I captured pandas playing at the National Zoo, buffalo roaming across the Black Hills, and the last Dusky Seaside Sparrow before the species faded into extinction. Good stuff. Things I can only recall now because of my aged photos.

By my tween years, I upgraded to a Minolta 35mm, a treasure I still yearn to experiment with, if only I could find film. I took a couple of photography classes in college, learned how to coax images from film to paper, and went through several more cameras before I bought my current Nikon.

The art of photography transformed with the arrival of the digital age. I am now utterly spoiled by my 8 gig memory card, which allowed me to take 2,500+ pictures over a ten day vacation in Costa Rica. Unreal. Compare that to the twelve rolls of film I shot while on my wedding and honeymoon journey through Italy — only 288 chances to record a momentous journey, and no knowledge of if the images turned out until weeks later when the glossy 4x6s were finally in hand.

But I just can’t keep up. The technology advances at break-neck speeds and the costs are, well, prohibitive. I don’t own a digital SLR camera or Photoshop. Yet.  But I do adore my little Nikon P90 and Picassa, so when I saw Galit Breen of These Little Waves and Alison of Mama Wants This decided to host a Memories Captured link up, I simply couldn’t resist.


Pure joy captured: a boy, an ice cream cone, a gorgeous day at the park with his parents. I should have used this for my holiday cards last year.

I couldn’t decide which version I adored more. I could have kept playing on Picassa for hours, but I do have a few other things with which to occupy my time. I love the timelessness of the first image; it could have been taken in 1960, 1985, or yesterday.  The second image captures the vibrant sparkle and deep indigo of Kiddo’s eyes. They get me every time.

Which do you prefer?

26 thoughts on “Memories Captured

  1. jesterqueen1

    Hard call, but it's got to be the bottom one for me. Those blue blue eyes look like what you really captured in this memory was the sky.

  2. Adrienne

    OMGoodness! He is precious!! I am with you on the camera thing. I LOVE taking pics. But, lately I haven't been b/c my camera is old, and the pics aren't that great. I wish I had large cash to run out and by one top of the line, but I don't. And, you're so right! The minute I run and get one it will be behind in technology. Sigh…

    And I still remember my camera from when I was a little girl. It took 110 film! LOL
    My recent post Memories Captured: Sweet Dreamer

  3. euregirlsandboys

    I love both too – he sure is a cutie! I think I like the first one more for some reason – maybe the timelessness you mentioned? Normally I'd go for the brighter colors, but something about that first one just gets to me.

  4. debseeman

    This boy is going to melt girls hearts like he's melting that icecream. Love the first layout but the 2nd really highlights his eyes. He sounds like a busy boy with lots to keep him and you busy.

  5. Kimberly

    What a gorgeous picture!
    I too wanted to be a great photographer….but then I became a nurse…actually it's because I realized that I can't take good pictures.
    I have a Nikkon too. It's a P500. That SOB really irkes me. I find that it takes blurry photos if there is any sort of movement. Well, maybe it's the photographer's fault.
    My recent post I’m A Pretty Big Thing In H-Town


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